Collaboration in special education between charter schools and traditional public school districts offers the potential to benefit students with disabilities.
“Implementation and enforcement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal responsibility.
Please join The Center for Learner Equity (The Center for Learner Equity) for a webinar taking a deeper look at the Department of Education’s recently released guidance on educating students with disabilities.
The Department of Education (the Department) recently released three sets of guidance related to educating students with disabilities, including one set explicitly pertaining to charter schools.
This webinar walks viewers through The Department of Education’s Guidence of Education Students with Disabilities and gives in-depth context and information surrounding it.
This post discusses a report detailing special education practices in 10 California charter schools and how inclusion of students with disabilities in classrooms is the best practice to benefit kids.
The United States Supreme Court (the Supreme Court) will soon hear the Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District (Endrew F.) case that may result in a new or updated definition of a “free appropriate public education,” the central pillar of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
This brief of Amici Curiae of the National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools and NAPCS in support of petitioner in the case of Endrew F v. Douglas County School District.
The Center for Learner Equity has launched its Centers of Excellence Initiative to proactively work with four charter schools.
The nation’s high school graduation rate is one important data point that we use in the U.S. to help determine the overall success of students attending our schools.