
Nov 17
Nov 09
Nov 07
Nov 03

Online Charter Schools Under the Microscope

The Center for Learner Equity has had the opportunity to review three recent reports assessing the nature and viability of online charter schools (also called “virtual” charter schools). They are all components of the same umbrella project – the National Study of Online Charter Schools.

Oct 15
Oct 15
Oct 07
Sep 08

Chaos For Students In Washington State

Later this week Lauren Morando Rhim, Executive Director of The Center for Learner Equity, will be moderating a panel in Seattle on special education in charter schools. There is nothing unusual about that – The Center for Learner Equity does its best to contribute to conversations whenever asked to participate.

Jul 20

Networks Learn From Each Other About Doing the Hardest Work

Charter schools can leverage their autonomy to provide creative, academically powerful programs that enable students to succeed. But, not unlike many traditional public schools, they frequently struggle to consistently and effectively meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Jul 07