Lauren Morando Rhim’s Op Ed entitled “Senate Education Bill Gives No Tangible Support For Students Who Need It Most” was published in The Hill on July 6, 2015.
As part of recent Congressional efforts to reauthorize the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), considerable attention was paid to students with disabilities in charter schools.
The National Center for Special Education in Charters Schools is dedicated to ensuring that students with disabilities have equal access to charter schools and public charter schools and designed and operated to enable all students to succeed.
This statement outlines the Center’s recommendations for Congress regarding the ESEA Principles to ensure quality education for all students.
When public charter schools first opened in the early 1990s, each was unique and independent. Independent public charter schools remained the norm as the public charter school movement grew from a fledgling reform effort into a major force in public education, now affecting 2.7 million students and families nationwide.
The Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) just released a new report entitled Special Education in New Orleans: Juggling Flexibility, Reinvention, and Accountability in the Nation’s Most Decentralized School System.
In January of 2014 the New York City Independent Budget Office issued a “Schools Brief” entitled Staying or Going? Comparing Student Attrition Rates at Charter Schools with Nearby Traditional Public Schools.
This statement outlines the Center’s support and recommendations for certain provisions in the Every Child Ready for College and Career Act.
This report outlines the ways in which charter school networks can impact the special education offerings and gives some tools to stregthen that affect.
New York City/Geneva Switzerland—Oak Foundation has approved a second grant to The Center for Learner Equity (The Center for Learner Equity) in support of their mission to ensure that students with diverse learning needs are able to fully access and thrive in charter schools.