With their increased autonomy and flexibility, charter schools can be a promising educational option for students with disabilities. However, during the inception of the charter movement, very few people were focused on ensuring that state charter school policies addressed the needs of students with disabilities.
CLE released “How has the pandemic affected students with disabilities? An update on the evidence: Fall 2022”, a report exploring evidence on how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected America’s students.
The Center for Learner Equity (CLE) has conducted a secondary analysis of the 2017-2018 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) released in 2020. The CRDC is the nation’s leading data set on civil rights indicators related to access and barriers to educational opportunities.
The COVID-19 global health crisis has upended the continuity of learning for students with disabilities. Despite these ongoing challenges, the right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities remains in place. As schools shift to more distance learning, teams of educators are left to redesign what FAPE looks like when they cannot be physically present with their students. This guide offers a decision-making model that aims to balance individual student needs within a virtual learning context, as well as a range of exemplars showing how this model can be applied.
This study, commissioned and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, involved a large research team from both CRPE and NCSECS. The authors are grateful to the many teachers, parents, and administrators who took time to share their perspectives and inform our findings. We are grateful for the Gates Foundation’s investment in expanding solutions for students with disabilities, but all errors or omissions are the authors’ alone.
This document outlines the Center’s Equity Coalition and its seven core principles.
Charter schools are frequently criticized, particularly by civil rights communities, for their inadequate attention to equity and quality. They also face major backlash for failing to provide appropriate services for, or altogether pushing out, students with disabilities.
This page gives a brief overview of the Equity Coalitions’s Legal Status issues and provides the links to learn more.
The report gives an overview of how special education is funded in charter schools and the surrounding details.
This report outlines the ways in which charter school networks can impact the special education offerings and gives some tools to stregthen that affect.