Senate Republicans have introduced the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to support states in their efforts to protect their citizens and to infuse cash into the economy. We wholeheartedly support these efforts. Unfortunately, the bill goes too far by empowering the Secretary of Education to suggest to Congress waivers that would eliminate protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (a.k.a. Section 504).
The Center calls upon Congress to reject the White House’s Fiscal Year 2021 budget, which proposes to completely decimate federal support for public schools, threatening access for students in every state.
In a statement in response to the Trump Administration’s promotion of the Education Freedom Scholarships program, the Center urged he Administration and Congress to only support regulated school choice so that parents can make decisions that will not limit or eliminate their child’s civil rights.
This letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary regards Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh and the concerns the Center has.
This statement outlines the Center’s comments on the Department of Education’s Evaluation of Existing Regulations and urges them to maintain and enforce the regulations that benefit students with disabilities.
This statement gives the Center’s comments on the Department of Education’s regulations regarding Title I to ensure equitable access for all students.
This statement outlines the Equity Coalition’s position on the problems with School Discipline and the solutions that are necessary.
This statement outlines the Center’s recommendations on the Department of Educations ESSA Title I Regulations.
This statement outlines the Center’s support and recommendations for certain provisions in the Every Child Ready for College and Career Act.