Aug 16

Lauren Morando Rhim Quoted in Vox “One complicated reason homeschooling is on the rise” Article

CLE’s executive director, Lauren Morando Rhim spoke with Vox about why many families are turning to homeschooling and microschools to better accommodate children with disabilities and learning differences. Frustrated by rigid public school systems, families seek personalized education environments that cater to their children’s unique needs. While homeschooling offers benefits like one-on-one attention, it also raises concerns about lack of oversight and the financial burden on families. The rise of microschools presents a new option, blending aspects of homeschooling and traditional education, but it also prompts debate about equitable access to quality education and the future of public schools. Rhim expressed her expert opinion:

Some families, however, say that public schools have left their kids feeling marginalized — or worse. “The system can be very large and rigid,” Rhim said. Families sometimes feel they’re getting a one-size-fits-all approach: “‘Your child has this disability, and this is what we do for children who have that disability,’ versus saying, ‘What does your child need?’”
Lauren Morando RhimCenter for Learner Equity

Read the full article here.